Monday, January 17, 2011

Some links on the Theotokos

While I have full intentions of finishing my paper on the Theotokos, I realize that I'm not even close to being qualified to talk about such a subject, especially in the depth that is required. As such, I'm posting some links to some lectures/articles dealing with Mary from an Orthodox perspective. Note that I haven't fully read or listened to all of these, so I cannot guarantee the content of all of them. Seraphim's (Kabane52) post is something that I've read though, and Fr. Thomas Hopko is probably one of the best theologians that American Orthodoxy has produced. Also note that some of them use some polemical language.

Who is the Theotokos by Fr. Thomas Hopko

Mary According to the Bible by Seraphim

The Orthodox Veneration of Mary the Birthgiver of God by Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco


  1. Cut out the "#comment-form" part from the end of the url-address: it's useless. (Or -even better!- use links instead of url-addresses).

  2. Lvka,

    Thanks for the suggestions, will do
