Sunday, August 28, 2011


For the negative percentage of the population that have ever heard of this blog or, even more startling, read anything from it,

As one can see I've been quite absent, which is the opposite of what I promised, and for which I do apologize. Work has this nasty way of cutting into things (and a dose of lethargy never helps, either). As of recent I've moved so I could accept a job offer for the next 10 months. As such I have no plans to stop my work on the Shroud: full steam ahead, so to speak (and by 'full steam' I mean the little train who thought he could).

I also just want to remind all that this project is not aiming for academic quality: I simply do not have the time to pour that far into all the peer reviewed (and non-peer-reviewed) material. I highly suggest that if I peak your interest you continue to research the Shroud for yourself. I suggest both Ian Wilson and Rober K Wilcox's books (links below).

Expect the next part up in a matter of days.

Ian Wilson's book

Robert K. Wilcox's book

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