In this post I'll be covering the
anatomy of the man on the Shroud while attempting to show that the
image depicts that of Jesus Christ (regardless of authenticity). I
should note now that one cannot prove
who the image belongs to, but when all the facts are accounted for we
can easily infer that it depicts Jesus Christ.
shall start from the top and work our way down. The first noticeable
wounds are those on the crown of the man; they correlate to the
puncture wounds that would have been made by a crown of thorns such
as depicted in the gospel of St. Mark: “And they twisted a crown of
thorns, put it on His head, and began to salute Him, 'Hail, King of
the Jews!'”.1
In reality the crown is more akin to a cap2,
thus going against artistic norms and therefore common-folk
Already we should ask: why would a medieval forger go against the
expected norms if he were forging the Shroud to trick others?4
However, this did not seem to stop people from believing the
authenticity of The Shroud in the medieval era, but it is still
something worth pondering about.
to the face we immediately see the damaged nose and swollen right
The wounds here seem to be too general as to identify exactly what
caused them, though blows from fists seem to fit.6
This would correlate with the accounts of both Luke 22:637
and Matthew 26:67:
“Now the men who beheld Jesus mocked Him and beat Him. And having blindfolded Him, they struck Him on the face and asked Him, saying, 'Prophesy! Who is the one who struck You?'” Luke 22:63-64
“Then they spat in His face and beat Him; and others struck Him with the palms of their hands, saying, 'Prophesy to us, Christ! Who is the one who struck You?'” Matthew 26:67-688
man's hair is of longer length and fashioned into a braid while his
beard is both short and forked.9
It is worth noting that this hairstyle was not from “Greco-Roman
culture” but is Judaic.10
Likewise, the beard was “highly a manly adornment”
in Jewish culture.11
also seems to be a square imprint in the middle of the man's
as well as a 'V' mark between his eyes.13
Paul Vignon, the man who first observed the Shroud, noted that “80
percent” “of Byzantine icons”14
of Christ had this same 'V' shape amongst other identifying
characteristics, suggesting that “the shroud face and the face on
the icons had more than a casual link to one another”.15
This important observation will be covered in another section.
the face of the man was identified by anthropologist T. Dale Stewart
(who frequently identified people's race via bones for the FBI) as
being “that of a white man” whose origin could be either
Palestinian or Greek.16
Furthermore, Carlton S. Coon, a highly “distinguished ethnologist”
identified the man of the Shroud as having “a physical type found
in modern times among Sephardic Jews and noble Arabs”.17
down to the torso area we see that the body of the man is covered in
whip marks which indeed relate to the Gospel accounts.18
The device used to make these wounds was none other than the Roman
flagrum, a
dumb-bell-whip which was usually fitted with small sheep bones and
twin pellets of lead – such specificity has been identified on the
There are around 100 individual dumb-bell marks20
– something that would have been completely unfeasible for an
artist to replicate with such accuracy so many times (as Vignon
himself remarked)21,
let alone as a photographic negative.
nakedness of the man is also historically accurate as we know from
the accounts of Philo of Alexandria in which he reports that
crucifixion victims were stripped naked before flogging.22
This seems at first to be a contradiction between the Gospel accounts
and the Shroud, as both in the books of St. Matthew and St. Mark,
Jesus' own clothes were put back on him after he was beaten. However,
we also read in all four Gospel accounts how Christ's garments were
divided amongst the Roman Soldiers who then casted lots for them.
Thus Christ's clothes were stripped off Him at some point, again
showing a correlation between the Gospel accounts and the Shroud of
on, there is noticeable chaffing of the shoulders23
most likely from carrying the patibulum
(crossbeam) on which the man was to be crucified (a common Roman
This is reported in the Gospel of St. John when the beloved disciple
writes: “And He, bearing His cross, went out to a place called the
Place of a Skull, which is
called in Hebrew, Golgotha” (John 19:17).25
There is also damage to the man's knees, presumably from falling
while carrying his patibulum.26
If the man on the Shroud is indeed Jesus Christ, this would make
sense as St. Simon of Cyrene had to help Him carry His cross as
reported in the Gospels of Saints Matthew, Mark and Luke27:
“Now as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name. Him they compelled to bear His cross.” (Matthew 27:32)
“Then they compelled a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, the father of Alexander and Rufus, as he was coming out of the country and passing by, to bear His cross.” (Mark 15:21)
“Now as they led Him away, they laid hold of a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, who was coming from the country, and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus.” (Luke 23:26)28
are the wounds in the wrists – not the hands. This, as most people
can figure, again goes contrary to traditional Christian art29
where Christ is depicted as being nailed through his hands to the
cross. Now this doesn't necessarily rule out the fact that the man
was crucified through his hands as we only can see the exit wounds30.
Regardless, this does not run contradictory to the account given in
the Gospel of St. John31
as the word St. Thomas uses for “hand” includes the wrist area in
the original Greek.32
The blood from the wrist also moves in a way that does not seem
correct with the way the arms are positioned.33
This is because the blood flowed in such a way only if the man's arms
were positioned at a 65 degree angle – an angle that is completely
compatible with crucifixion.34
we'll look at a particular wound in the man's chest which has an
“elliptic shape to its top edge”.35
Such a wound could have been caused by a bladed weapon of some kind.36
Ian Wilson further elaborates:
“The Greek word the author used for ‘lance’ in this passage was lonche, the Latin equivalent was lancea; Archaeologically we know quite a lot about the lancea. With a long leaf-like blade thickening and rounding off towards the shaft, it was just the kind of general-purpose weapon that would have been standard issue for the small contingent of auxiliaries who took direct charge of Jesus’s crucifixion (pl. l1b). In the Landesmuseum in Zurich there are several good examples with essentially exactly the same elliptic breadth to the blade that we can see on the Shroud.”37
area targeted is where Roman soldiers were trained to stab since it
is the arm in which their enemy would be holding their weapon and not
their shield38
(as seen in the “Dying Gaul” statue).39
This relates to the account in the Gospel of St. John when Jesus is
stabbed with the Lance of Longinus: “But one one of the soldiers
pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came
out.” (John 19:34) Furthermore, the area in which the wound appears
“showed [a] separation of blood parts, including serum”.40
the blood flows on the Shroud are surprisingly realistic and again go
against usual artistic depiction; the “flows follow the natural
contours of the body” while “artists...usually depicted such
flows in straight lines or stylized droplets”.41
is worth noting that such a torture technique was not typical of
either Roman practice or that of any other culture and that Jesus is
the only one known to have received said torture42.
are other facts that we could go into (as well as further elaboration
on the ones discussed here) but I think that this is sufficient to
establish vast correlations between the man on the Shroud and Jesus
Christ. There is no other person in history or legend that has
suffered all these wounds in the same exact matter, and the perfect
correlation makes it highly plausible to reason that this man is at
least a depiction of Jesus Christ. To invent any other character
would seem to be completely illogical as they would be nothing more
than pure fiction43
compared to the person of Christ, who even if one does not accept his
historicity, must submit to the fact that there is a long oral and
written tradition about Him. Thus, at this point, I put forward that
we can reasonably deduce two things:
- The man on the Shroud is a depiction of Jesus Christ
- The Shroud does not seem to have been any kind of medieval forgery
If we
agree with these two premises (as I argued in this and my last essay)
then I think we can start to consider the fact that this indeed is
the Shroud of Jesus Christ and that the image was made from his body
(whether by natural or supernatural means). However, at this point we
need to show at least some kind of a timeline that the Shroud could
be traced back through (though, as I showed in my first essay, we
have good reason to believe that this Shroud dates from antiquity).
But even before that, we need to answer the elephant in the room:
What went wrong
with the Carbon Dating?
Wilson The Shroud: The 2000-Year-Old Mystery Solved,
2010. Kindle Locations 955-957. All Scripture quotations are NKJV
from The Orthodox Study Bible
K. Wilcox The Truth About The Shroud of Turin,
2010. pp. 17
Bucklin, M.D., J.D., An Autopsy on the Man of the Shroud
kl. 947-948
kl. 5834
pp. 18
pp. 144
pp. 101
pp. 100
pp. 143, 146
kl. 965-967
kl. 977-980
kl. 982-983
pp. 18
kl. 974-975
kl. 988-989
kl. 995-996
kl. 989-991
pp. 19
kl. 991-993
kl. 5849
pp. 17
Frederick T. Zugibe, M.D., Ph.D., Pierre Barbet Revisited,
kl. 1006-1008
kl. 5852. “So he said to them, 'Unless I see in His hands the
print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails,
and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.” (John 20:25)
kl. 1048-1049
kl. 1049
kl. 1052-1056
kl. 1060-1062
kl. 1062-1064
pp. 19
pp. 16
kl. 959-960, 962-964
pp. 26 “But those who wish to attribute the shroud to another
person are in the same condition as ourselves with respect to the
other difficulties, with this difference – that their person is a
pure invention without any mention in history, tradition or legend.”
- Prof. Delage
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